In this animated film, a group of animals hook up a power grid to the socket-shaped snout of one big, sleeping pig. The animals use the pig’s energy for simple things at first, but soon, they become dependent on a city where everything — both useful and useless — is automated… How long can that last?
- 7pm Saturday, March 11
- 12:30pm Sunday, March 12
Filmmaker: Jorn Leeuwerink
Running Time: 8:17
Language: No Dialogue
Type: Short
Dutch filmmaker Jorn Leeuwerink tells seemingly sweet fables about serious themes, using dark humor and a playful visual animation style. Pig marks his professional debut. An animation student at the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, his graduation short Flower Found! was included in the prestigious Animation Show of Shows, selected for more than 70 festivals (including a.o. Annecy, Zagreb, and Hiroshima) and winning 17 prizes. Besides directing animation, he co-founded and curates the annual Fluxus Animation Festival.