Rare Bird

2006 FESTIVAL 80 min. Imagine finding a pterodactyl alive and…

The New Wolf Hunters

2006 FESTIVAL 10 min. Ten years after a successful reintroduction…

Tracking the Pacific Fisher

2006 FESTIVAL 11 min. The threatened Pacific Fisher makes its…

Wings Over the Wild: LightHawk in Mesoamerica

2006 FESTIVAL 15 min. This film takes a visual journey into the…

America’s Lost Landscape: The Tallgrass Prairie

2005 FESTIVAL 60 min. America's Lost Landscapedepicts the changes…

Bird People (Vogelmenschen)

2005 FESTIVAL 92 min. An unusual and engaging peek behind the…

Grizzly Man

2005 FESTIVAL 103 min. German director Werner Herzog accepted…

March of the Penguins

2005 FESTIVAL 80 min. This summer’s National Geographic-supported…

Mountain Memories: An Appalachian Sense of Place

2005 FESTIVAL 34 min. Wildlife photographer Jim Clark imparts…

National Bison Range: Keeping Our Bison Heritage Alive

2005 FESTIVAL 14 min. The National Bison Range is a U.S. Fish…